Life update

YES, we are alive, and safly back at home in Copenhagen. We are already missing Nuuk.

I’m so sorry I haven’t have time to update the last part of my diary from Nuuk, there’s been many things going on again. Like there was Copenhagen Comics festival right after we came home. I was in a Nordic children comics exhibition there:

The exhibition was based on a new book called Dreambuddies – New Children’s Comics from the North, published by the Finnish Comics Society (you can buy the book from here). I’m in the book with the first Oonaphant comic:

Oonaphant is a series of children books/comics I’m making. I’m going to be focusing on them the next two months in a Cité residency in Paris (possible diary comics of that one will be updated too, so stay tuned).

I’m also working with a longer graphic novel (which was actually my main project in Nuuk) based on bear myths, specially the rituals of killing a bear. I’m actually doing it like ”real comic artists” do comics: I’ve been doing research and writing scripts (what!?! OMG, right?). Here’s a tiny sketch to show that it’s for real:

I will try to make a pdf book out of the whole diary in Nuuk, if I have time. Let’s see. Till then, remember to fallow my tumblr.

New York!

I’m sorry my blog has become more like a infodesk than a comics blog, but I promise I’ll start posting real comics again after this trip!

I’ll be in MoCCA festival in NEW YORK this weekend! Yay!  I’m hanging around in NY from 6th to 15th. We’re going to have some comics for sale at the festivals and there’s also some events and a small exhibition I will be atending. More info here at the

I’m also part of the Comics blog exhibition at the Helsinki Comics centre from 5th to 30th of April Check it out!