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Osallistukaa!! Dotterbolaget oli visiitillä Helsinissä elokuun lopussa, ja mm. tälläisiä jatkosuunnitelmia syntyi.
Työpajasta tulee olemaan myös näyttely sarjakuvafestivaaleilla lasipalatsin aukiolla 10.-12.9.2010
FANZINE for femails and transgender
DEADLINE for works 29th october
in English
1 to 3 pages
grayscale tiff-images, at least 300 dpi.
The fanzine will be out at the AltCom festival 12th to 14th of November 2010.
What are your labels? What you call youself? why you call youself with those labels?
Are you vegan, hetero, gay, bi, finnish, swedish, woman, man, feminist, mom? Do you have labels that other people put on you, but you don’t agree with them? crossing the borders (of the labels), what borders you have? who’s buliding those borders?
if you want to contribute, contact info AT dotterbolaget.com AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
-small bio picture
-your name
-1 to 10 labels of yourself
-web address and/or email
The picture and labels are going to be in the zine as a presentation of all the participants.