Avainsana-arkisto: minä
6.12. Itsenäisty
4.12. Lue enemmän
3.12. Rohkeus
2.12. Nettailu
1.12. Elämä kuntoon kuukausi
NaNoWriMo 2008: raportti
50 asiaa… osa 10
46. I can’t really explane my opinions, and it’s difficult for me to say what I think anyway. | I think the movie was good because… | Well, it was good. | Maybe that’s why I do comics. I can express myself more freely by drawing than speaking.
47. I’ve recieved three grants now… One for the comic maker’s guide, the other for preparing my next album… | And now I’m going to get a third one for the same album! | How exciting! | 48. I’m not used to be by myself. I ENJOY it very much, but I still need to rely too much to other people. | Tell me what I should do! | I don’t know!
I can’t never decide anything! (I’m a typical libra). | What if | Maybe | but | In the other hand | Yes | No | 49. I can’t say R right. Now days it’s just so, and I don’t stress about it so much… | Mari say R | Say your name! |…But it’s still a bit sore spot for me.
Kiitos Tuukalle asiasta 50. | Thank you Tuukka for the 50th thing.
50 asiaa… Osa 9
50 things… |41. I used to dance and also did some boxing… | ..Now days I go jogging. SOMETIMES. | 42. I couldn’t use high heels before, now somedays I prefer those instead of flat ones. (my shoe size is ab. 38). | 43. I like to take the tube. I’ve been able to draw so much now when it takes ab. 20 mins by metro for me to go home.
44. Now days I usually dress in black completely… | Maybe it’s some face that will pass… | …Although I do own colored clothes also. | 45. I use a mooncup. And I recomend it!!