Sunday 8th March. I try to keep my story in together. | And my thoughts are just a mess. | …And then… | I fail. | And I have to start all over again.
Aihearkisto: eksyksissä (työnimi)
Minute soup
Vähän hukassa…
…Mut ei se haittaa.
Hyvää Uutta Vuotta kaikille!
Just a bit lost…
What do you want from me? | What do I want to accomplish? | What’s left of me? | What can I do? | What I can’t do? | I’m fine by myself | Am I fine? | I’m a bit lost. | Is there a difference between being lost and gone missing?
…But it’s ok.
Happy New Year to everyone!
Eksyneitä kuvia
en yleensä
I don’t usually forget important things. | Oh no, I was supposed to call that one phonecall! | ….shit did I forgot to turn off the stove?! | And I’m not usually late… | Agh, I was supposed to be in Kallio 15 minutes ago! Where’s my keys?! | What’s wrong with me??
Specially today… | Everything that happens, is somehow separate from me. Everything happens outside of me | Somewhere else. | And I’m ready to fall apart on my thoughts. | But I can’t dissapear yet. | I have to wait for next month. | And that’s quite soon. | That is if I do lots of work now, so I can make a small place for myself.
What are you worrying about, small thing?
You are something.
Well duh, of course I don’t really CARE about you, I’m just saying it’s not wise to go away.
Eksyksissä (työnimi): osa 9
Missing (working title) | It’s pritty easy to dare me to do stupid things… | I’m SO going to write a better novel than you. | I will write a LONGER one and by HAND. | So, now I’m going to write a novel in november. | Yes, yes, I know I’m not a writer… | But it’s going to be great anyway…
…And I’m going to write the story so, that I can use it for my album… | …And I already know how my novel begings.
Lisätietoa | More info at:
aiemmat osat löytyy vuodatuksen vanhasta blogistani.
previous chapters can be found from my old blog at vuodatus.