I like pretty things, they make me happy.
This pretty little thing I got from a friend.
I like pretty things, they make me happy.
This pretty little thing I got from a friend.
I like pretty things, they make me happy.
This pretty little thing I bought from a flea market.
I like pretty things, they make me happy.
This pretty little thing I found from Tallinn. (Don’t know what it’s writen there… can you translate it for me?)
I like pretty things, they make me happy.
This mysterious pretty little thing my brother found from Iceland.
I like pretty things, they make me happy.
This pretty little thing I got from my mom.
I like pretty things, they make me happy.
This pretty little thing I found from a fleemarket in Helsinki
I like pretty things, they make me happy.
These pretty little things comes with me everywhere I go. The box for my vitalis-box is bought from a flee market in Helsinki.
I am number one!! YEAH! In your face Fletcher Hanks!
MUT siis tää on pitkämies-kaupan viime viikon tilanne, kuulin että tällä viikolla ois jo uus ykkönen… :´(
Ellei sitten kaikki nyt heti mee ja osta mun kirjaa Pitkältä mieheltä!
But this is last weeks top 5, I heard rumors that I won’t be number one this week… Unless you all will buy your copy of Löydä minut tästä kaupungista now from Pitkämies!
Plus: video kirjan julkkareista Oulusta Lifestyle Kaupasta. Videon kuvannut Antti Ahokoivu. Mukana videokuvaa Paavo J. Heinosen mahtavasta matkalaukkurunoudesta!!:
Löydä minut tästä kaupungista -kirjan julkistamistapahtuma from Antti Ahokoivu
This is a video from my book relese party from Oulu at Lifestyle Kauppa. Video is made by Antti Ahokoivu. Also appearing Paavo J. Heinonen and the suitcase poetry!
I like pretty things, they make me happy.
Thease pretty little things I bought from a vintage shop in Helsinki. Girls! Girls! Girls! Collect them all!