Eräät biisit ja ne eräät tyypit

Usually there’s a connection between CERTAIN SONGS and CERTAIN PERSONS. | And when you hear that CERTAIN SONG you’ll remember that CERTAIN PERSON.

And many times it turns out, that you can’t listen to that CERTAIN SONG anymore because of that CERTAIN PERSON. | So that’s why it’s so WONDERFUL to hear a song that dosn’t remind you of ANYTHING.

Only about that CERTAIN SONG. | And it’s so rare and fragile… | …That you have to be carefull

Because if you’re not carefull, some CERTAIN PERSON might get attached to it… | …And then THAT SONG is also lost.


Today I am a little girl. |  I put my wellines on | walk through puddles | and play invisible.

Today I don’t care about grown up things. And I don’t care that they say: | You are so small. | Because today I am so so small.

Today I leave my hair in a mess and I don’t think what you think of me because | Today I am a little girl | you are so stupid | today I don’t care about you.

Today I am again | playing hide and seek by myself | And maybe tomorrow I’ll find myself. | But today I am small.