Julkaistu Call it a day kirjassa 2011 // This was published in Call It a Day -book with better translated English subtitles…

Teach me what is a morning | What means | good morning | What is morning coffee and breakfast | How you wake up only once in the morning | Can I go back to sleep now? | Of course not! | Get up!

During the day I’ll tell you a secret | lunch is my breakfast | ”free time” | ”weekend” | ”holiday” | Words that I don’t know | At the same time I’m trying to ready you | to know if I should tell you everything

In the evening you confess: | I’m getting tired | No! | I’m just getting started | Whe still have so much to see! | I’ll lure you to get to know my world | I should go to sleep | you can stay awake just a bit longer.

If you can stay awake, I will show you what is night | This is my favorit place in Helsinki | The stars, the moon, silence and peace | embracing darkness | But we always have to sacrifice ether the morning or the night. | Are you still awake? | And I don’t think that nether of us will give up on theirs.