Hourly Comic eräästä tammikuun päivästä.
Avainsana-arkisto: päivis
18. Tammikuuta 2009 klo 13
18. Tammikuuta 2009 klo 12
18. Tammikuuta 2009 klo 11
18. Tammikuuta 2009 klo 10
18. Tammikuuta 2009 klo 9
18. Tammikuuta 2009 klo 8
Taas vanhaa tavaraa, tämän tein ensimmäiselle kurssilleni, minkä pidin sarjakuvakeskuksella. En muistaakseni ole laittanut tätä omaan blogiini kuitenkaan… Ja JOO, huomasin. SarjakuvapäivAkirja.
This is a old comic again. I did it for my first course that I held in the Comic Centre in Helsinki. I hope I haven’t updated this in my blog before…
A comic diary. | I’m sure that everyone has kept a diary in some point… | 3.10.2008 Friday… Dear diary, today I got up quite late, I’ve been so tired… | 3.10.2008 Friday. I got up quite late… | Yes, yes, let’s go out… | …I’ve been so tired lately. | …A comic diary is different from a normal diary so, that you DRAW about your day in a comic form. | It means also that the drawings has to be quick (and usually quite messy too).
Why should you have a comic diary? | There’s atleast two good reasons: | Just because keeping a diary is the best way to clear your thoughts and it’s so great to get to read your old diary entries… | Ash, I’m so tired… But I’ll just draw quickly what he said to me today…. | AND when you do your diary in a comic form, you’ll draw every day, and you’ll develope your drawing style without realizing it.
You can’t show your diary to anyone!! | Then you don’t have to think about critic, how other people will feel about your comic, about your drawing style. you don’t have to think about anything… | I’d like to draw a comic about yesterday… But I don’t think she would want me to draw it… | Well, I’ll just draw it in my DIARY. | …Then you draw comics just to YOURSELF.
en yleensä
I don’t usually forget important things. | Oh no, I was supposed to call that one phonecall! | ….shit did I forgot to turn off the stove?! | And I’m not usually late… | Agh, I was supposed to be in Kallio 15 minutes ago! Where’s my keys?! | What’s wrong with me??
Specially today… | Everything that happens, is somehow separate from me. Everything happens outside of me | Somewhere else. | And I’m ready to fall apart on my thoughts. | But I can’t dissapear yet. | I have to wait for next month. | And that’s quite soon. | That is if I do lots of work now, so I can make a small place for myself.
What are you worrying about, small thing?
You are something.
Well duh, of course I don’t really CARE about you, I’m just saying it’s not wise to go away.