I like pretty things, they make me happy.
This pretty little thing was found from a garbage bin at Kontula.
I like pretty things, they make me happy.
This pretty little thing was found from a garbage bin at Kontula.
I like pretty things, they make me happy.
This pretty little thing was saved from our garbage bin.
I think the best kiss in the web is this one by Ruppert and Mulot. Just something I wanted to share with you. If you disagree, post a link to a better one to the comments.
Mä melkein sanoisin, että netin parhaan suudelman on tehnyt Ruppert ja Mulot. Jos tiedät paremman, niin laita linkkiä kommenttiin.
I just joined Twitter. I know, it does feel silly, but just listen WHY I did it: I’m going to start posting all my work related stuff on twitter. So if you want to know what I’m working on and where my comics/drawings are published just start following me!
You can also see my twitterings on the sidebar of this blog –>
I’m going to do most of the updates in English, but some ”only happening in Finland” stuff is going to be in Finnish.
Eli siis: Mut löytää nykyään myös Twitteristä! Aion tehdä suurimman osan twitteröinnistä englanniksi, mutta muutamia ”vain Suomessa tapahtuvia juttuja” ilmoittelen suomeksi.