I’m guest posting in drawing words, writing pictures blog. I’m going to talk about teaching comics and my experiences in three posts. Read the first one from here: http://dw-wp.com/2011/06/about-teaching-comics-1/
Tein tämän Päivälehden museolle Tulevaisuuden sanomalehti -näyttelyyn. Näyttely esillä 28.2.2010 asti.
I did this comic for a local museum, Päivälehden museo, to include to a exhibition about the newspaper of the future.
Asteroid 13042036 part 72 | ”Jaakko” | It came from there | It had been there for a while, but I wasn’t scared of it. | But then suddenly it started to get bigger really fast… The air was hot and the sky red. | Everyone was just looking at it. Nobody moved. | Then the ground started to shake. | We went into a panic | It felt like it lasted forever. | Then suddenly everything went quiet. | It was just dark. | It took us a while to realize we where alive.| I do feel a bit silly now. | That we actually run under the table! | I never really belived that ”asteroid judgment day” talk. | But I just couldn’t think streight. | I was so sure that I was a goner | It makes you think… all kinds of stuff. | Own life and the universe and stuff like that.
13th of April 2036 an Asteroid will pass by our planet. Some say it will crash to earth. Asteroid 13042036 is a series of reportages that tells about the common people’s reaction to the asteroid and how the asteroid affects our normal lifes before and (hopefully) after the pass by. Asteroid 13042036 is an example how in the future, comics are used also as a tool to tell current news and not just as a comic relief in the newspapers.