Löydä minut tästä kaupungista -Sneak preview!

Esimakua kohta ilmestyvästä kirjastani!
sneak preview of my new book!





Lisää osoitteessa http://www.asemakustannus.com/kirjat/loyda_minut_tasta_kaupungista.html
Sitä voi muuten jo tilata, vink vink.

More at http://www.asemakustannus.com/kirjat/loyda_minut_tasta_kaupungista.html AND you can pre-order it already (and yes, it has English subtitles!)

Hyviä neuvoja, rohkaisevia sanoja

It’s so nice that you do comics as a hobby. | No one is saying you have to do this. Why won’t you just give up? | Remember not to be too hasty. Don’t do quantity over quality. | You are still so young. We don’t even expect you to understand these kind of important things. | But… Don’t you understand? | When I have to, I can do miracles… | …Like become invisible.


Missing (a working title) | I’m lost in my work when I REALIZE…

I’m really already editing this! | It feels funny in my stomach | But I shoudn’t get excited, there’s still so much to do. IT’S NOT READY YET.

IT’S NOT READY YET. I Still have time to panic, feel lots of anxiety, get depressed, say ”I will never” (so many times). | BUT | Now I could be happy, just a short while.

…And then. | Oh F***.