
Today I am a little girl. |  I put my wellines on | walk through puddles | and play invisible.

Today I don’t care about grown up things. And I don’t care that they say: | You are so small. | Because today I am so so small.

Today I leave my hair in a mess and I don’t think what you think of me because | Today I am a little girl | you are so stupid | today I don’t care about you.

Today I am again | playing hide and seek by myself | And maybe tomorrow I’ll find myself. | But today I am small.


Lähden reissuun, palailen vasta 4.2. takaisin. En ehtinyt laittamaan blogia päivittymään automaattisesti, joten seuraavia päivityksiä joutuu odottelemaan tovin. Mutta koitan piirtää paljon ja paljon ja paljon matkalla ja päivittelen niitä sitten tänne reissun jälkeen.

Tässä vielä sarjakuva, minkä tein ranskalaiseen ”Na” ilmaislehteen.

I’m on holiday, and I’ll return on 4th Feb. So sorry, you have to wait a while for new updates… But I’ll try to draw as much as I can on my trip.

Here’s a comic that I did for French ”Na” free magazine.


Taas vanhaa tavaraa, tämän tein ensimmäiselle kurssilleni, minkä pidin sarjakuvakeskuksella. En muistaakseni ole laittanut tätä omaan blogiini kuitenkaan… Ja JOO, huomasin. SarjakuvapäivAkirja.

This is a old comic again. I did it for my first course that I held in the Comic Centre in Helsinki. I hope I haven’t updated this in my blog before…

A comic diary. | I’m sure that everyone has kept a diary in some point… | 3.10.2008 Friday… Dear diary, today I got up quite late, I’ve been so tired… | 3.10.2008 Friday. I got up quite late… | Yes, yes, let’s go out… | …I’ve been so tired lately. | …A comic diary is different from a normal diary so, that you DRAW about your day in a comic form. | It means also that the drawings has to be quick (and usually quite messy too).

Why should you have a comic diary? | There’s atleast two good reasons: | Just because keeping a diary is the best way to clear your thoughts and it’s so great to get to read your old diary entries… | Ash, I’m so tired… But I’ll just draw quickly what he said to me today…. | AND when you do your diary in a comic form, you’ll draw every day, and you’ll develope your drawing style without realizing it.

You can’t show your diary to anyone!! | Then you don’t have to think about critic, how other people will feel about your comic, about your drawing style. you don’t have to think about anything… | I’d like to draw a comic about yesterday… But I don’t think she would want me to draw it… | Well, I’ll just draw it in my DIARY. | …Then you draw comics just to YOURSELF.

Minute soup

Taas vanhoja töitä… Tämän tein Eksyksissä -näyttelyyni, mutta karsin sen sitten loppumetreillä pois. Näyttely on muuten vielä muutaman päivän esillä Oulussa Lifestyle Kaupassa.

I made this for my exhibition ”Eksyksissä”, but I left it out in the last minute.. You can still see the exhibition in Oulu at Lifestyle Kauppa.

24 hour comic 2008


Where did you go? | Wait for me, | I’ll come with you! | can you hear me? |

I miss you.

Can I miss you? | And do you miss me?

Do you ever wonder, what am I doing? | I wonder all the time… | …what are you doing… | …And with who. | No. | I’m not going to ask.

Because if I ask… | …Are you coming back.. | Then I start to doubt that you’re not. | ..Or.. | …That have you ever really… | Been here.

I’m angry.

I’m so angry at myself. | I’m just waiting. | Waiting… | …I want to go away.

I want to go away from my thoughts. | Away from here. | Just anywhere. | Away.

Away. | Away. | Away. | Away.

But… | …What will… | remain of me…. | …then?










Why did you have to go? | Or… | Yes, I know | I’m sure you didn’t even know you where leaving.

I’m sure you didn’t even know I would miss you. | And I’m not complaining. | I’m just making observations. | Just saying thing aloud. | Just saying..

Where was I?

Oh, right…

50 asiaa… osa 10

46. I can’t really explane my opinions, and it’s difficult for me to say what I think anyway. | I think the movie was good because… | Well, it was good. | Maybe that’s why I do comics. I can express myself more freely by drawing than speaking.

47. I’ve recieved three grants now… One for the comic maker’s guide, the other for preparing my next album… | And now I’m going to get a third one for the same album! | How exciting! | 48. I’m not used to be by myself. I ENJOY it very much, but I still need to rely too much to other people. | Tell me what I should do! | I don’t know!

I can’t never decide anything! (I’m a typical libra). | What if | Maybe | but | In the other hand | Yes | No | 49. I can’t say R right. Now days it’s just so, and I don’t stress about it so much… | Mari say R  | Say your name! |…But it’s still a bit sore spot for me.

Kiitos Tuukalle asiasta 50. | Thank you Tuukka for the 50th thing.