
On the other hand I miss | far away | strange places | On the other hand I would want to | just make my own nest and remain in hibernation | Today I again left decisions for tomorrow, to wait for the solutions | No | maybe | yes | if | there | here | that way.

Mainos: BATUMAN!

Ilokseni DAADA päätti julkaista Batumanin ihan paperilla, ja vieläpä näin joulun alla! Lehteä voi ostaa muuten jo launataina 27.11.2010 Sarjakuvakeskuksen sarjislauantaina ( kello 12-16 Hämeentie 150). Oon itse myös paikalla hengailemassa ja saatanpa jopa istua karikatyyriautomaatin sisällä iltapäivällä… Tervetuloa kaikki!

AI NIIN! Lehti sisältää 4 ennen julkaisematonta sivua! :O

For my delight DAADA decided to publish Batuman in it’s own small zine. You can get your own copy by connecting Marko in Daada OR if you are in Helsinki on Saturday 27th November, you can buy one at the Comics centre (hämeentie 150, open 12-16).

Oh AND! The zine includes 4 never before seen pages!! Oh Joy!


Secrets are burning in the kekri-party, but I’m still worrying about the same things | What’s wrong with me? | Why I’m not good enough? | I would have wanted to show so much more… | …Tell so many stories. | Nah, I think I will just go home |  bye bye | bye.

But here I am again | Bag full of comics | I’m a bit tired | heading towards new stories.