46. I can’t really explane my opinions, and it’s difficult for me to say what I think anyway. | I think the movie was good because… | Well, it was good. | Maybe that’s why I do comics. I can express myself more freely by drawing than speaking.
47. I’ve recieved three grants now… One for the comic maker’s guide, the other for preparing my next album… | And now I’m going to get a third one for the same album! | How exciting! | 48. I’m not used to be by myself. I ENJOY it very much, but I still need to rely too much to other people. | Tell me what I should do! | I don’t know!
I can’t never decide anything! (I’m a typical libra). | What if | Maybe | but | In the other hand | Yes | No | 49. I can’t say R right. Now days it’s just so, and I don’t stress about it so much… | Mari say R | Say your name! |…But it’s still a bit sore spot for me.
Kiitos Tuukalle asiasta 50. | Thank you Tuukka for the 50th thing.
moi!ajattelin vaan kysyä,että voiko sun sarjakuvia tilata sulta itseltäsi?
Tällä hetkellä mulla ei oo itselläni omia sarjiksiani jemmassa… Parhaiten mun sarjiksia löytyy Naamojen (http://naamakustannus.net) tai Zum Teufelin (http://www.zumteufel.fi/) kautta.